
Showing posts from October, 2021

We need your unique flavour in our world...

  T here is an innate desire in every human to express a certain uniqueness. And this often propels us to behave or react to situations in a particular way. The beauty of life is not in conformity or uniformity. It is the harmonization of the different expressions of human potentials. We deny the world of beautiful possibilities when we are conformed to doing things in a particular way we are familiar with. You will experience fulfilling freedom if you take the courage of permitting the blend of unique abilities locked inside of you to be a blessing to your world.  There might be criticisms and rejections because not everyone will understand you. In trying to connect to your authentic design, you might miss it and fail many times but your convictions in your identity and the blessings it will bring to humanity will keep you going. Above all, you need to trust God and be anchored in Him. True freedom is not doing anything to be accepted by everyone. It is staying true to your authentic